Change Agents: Samuel S. Bergami, Jr. EMBA ’85, HON ’02, and Lois Bergami
Photo by Len Rubenstein
Lois and I are immensely proud to be a part of the University of New Haven family. It has been an enriching experience for us to support an institution that does so much for its students who, in turn, work so diligently to pursue their passions and grow into their full potential. That’s why we give back as much as we do. We want to give the next generation the same opportunity to achieve their own dreams and change the world. We want the University to continue to be an institution that truly changes lives — one that will shine even more brightly in its second century than it has in its first.
Samuel S. Bergami, Jr. EMBA ’85, HON ’02
Samuel S. Bergami, Jr. EMBA ’85, HON ’02, member of the University of New Haven Board of Governors, and his wife, Lois Bergami, generously funded the newly envisioned Bergami Center for Science, Technology, and Innovation. Currently under construction at the heart of the University’s campus, the facility is scheduled to open in early 2020.